
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a healing tradition passed down for generations. This knowledge provides a rich understanding of the body that remains a valued healthcare modality for patients today, both alone and in conjunction with Western medicine.

Herbology plays an important role in TCM’s history. Centuries of scholars and practitioners have expanded and refined this discipline, evolving the use of Chinese herbs to accommodate modern needs while retaining a profound respect for tradition. To reflect our changing industry, KPC is always looking for better ways to serve customers and advance the practice of TCM. Introducing capsules to our product line is one of the ways we have acted on this commitment to innovation.

TCM Capsules compilation
Chinese herbal formula capsules

What Are Capsules?

Herbal remedies may consist of a single herb or many, and are customized based on a patient’s age, gender, body type and condition. For many years, KPC’s products have been available in granule form, a popular format that makes treatment more accessible to a global audience than raw herbs. Our granule herb line consists of nearly 300 formulas and 400 single herbs.

In the last decade or so, we have expanded our format options to include capsules. KPC capsules offer our most popular classic herbal formulas in a highly convenient format. Our capsules contain the same high-quality granules as our granule line in a vegetable-based capsule shell.

How Are Capsules Manufactured?

After sourcing and authenticating raw herb materials, our manufacturing facility performs a variety of tests to ensure they are superior in quality, safe to ingest and contain no endangered botanical and animal ingredients. Only those that meet our exacting standards move to the next stage of the process.

The accepted herbs are cleaned and prepared, then transferred to a rotary extractor for decoction. KPC’s extraction process includes a patented procedure for collecting and restoring essential oils to help the herbs retain their efficacy and aromatic properties. Next, the liquid extracts are concentrated into a viscous paste. The paste is sprayed onto tiny particles of a base material while the remaining moisture evaporates. At the end of this step, we have a fine, free-flowing granule product that can be packaged as-is or processed further.

To create our capsules, we simply encase our granules in a smooth, veggie capsule shell. No additional ingredients are used to fill the capsules.

What Are the Advantages of Capsules?

Many patients, particularly in the Western world, like capsules because they are more convenient and pleasant to consume than granules. Granule herbs are taken by dissolving the granules in hot or room temperature water. Although this process is easier than decocting raw herbs, it is more involved than simply swallowing a capsule and the herbs, which often have a strong taste or smell, can be disagreeable.

Capsules eliminate some of these issues. Herbs that are consumed in capsules have a less prominent taste and aroma, and the dosage form is more familiar to many consumers today. Patient compliance levels tend to be higher with capsules as a result. Capsules are also easy to take on-the-go, making them an ideal choice for consumers who take them while at work or traveling.

How Are Capsules Taken?

KPC’s capsules are taken like any other supplements in this format. Follow your practitioner’s guidelines regarding dosage, frequency, timing and whether your herbs should be taken with a meal or on an empty stomach.

Chinese herbs are usually prescribed three times a day. Some people find it difficult to take the afternoon dose and prefer to increase their morning or evening dose instead. If approved by your practitioner, taking two larger doses instead of three smaller doses can be done with granules or tablets. With capsules, there is less flexibility. Consuming too many capsules at once may irritate your stomach. Always follow your practitioner’s directions to ensure a safe, effective and pleasant experience with Chinese herbs.

What Are the Drawbacks of Capsules?

In contrast to the quicker absorption of granule herbs, capsular herbs require more time to take effect because the body must digest the capsule shell before it reaches the herbs. This can be undesirable for consumers seeking maximum efficiency, as well as consumers with digestive issues who may struggle to break down the capsule shells. However, there are certain herbs that benefit from a slower digestion process. It is best to consult with a TCM practitioner about your format options before taking any herbal supplements.

Chinese herbal medicine in capsules

How Long Do Capsules Last?

Each of our capsules contains 500mg of herbs and each bottle contains 100 capsules. A typical dose is four capsules, which equals two grams of granulated herbs. A bottle contains approximately a one- to two- week supply, depending on the dosage a patient’s practitioner recommends. Once the bottle is opened, please try to use the capsules within three months. Our experienced in-house herbalists are available to answer any questions about prescribing, dosing and consuming our capsule formulas.

How Many Products Are in KPC’s Capsule Line?

The KPC capsule line includes approximately 100 of our most popular herbs and formulas. We do not offer all of our formulas this way because some work best when customized by a practitioner.

KPC TCM Capsules

KPC: Championing Choice and Variety in the TCM Industry

At KPC Herbs, we believe TCM has a beneficial role to play in the evolution of healthcare and that education leads to greater wellness for all. Our founder spent years perfecting his craft and our family has continued his work over five generations. Now, we proudly share our knowledge by educating our customers about Chinese herbs and the art of herbal remedy. If you have questions about our capsules or any other product formats, please contact the KPC team today. We wish you the best of health!

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