Published: July 3, 2020

kpc herbs staffAs a health-focused institution, KPC Herbs is committed to supporting the Traditional Chinese Medicine community through the COVID-19 pandemic. Our mission has always been to help practitioners succeed in business and share the benefits of TCM around the world. This critical moment has made our mission more vital than ever, and we are taking steps to ensure our global network of distributors, practitioners, and patients can continue to enjoy greater wellness through the finest Chinese herbs.

If you have any questions regarding our herbal products or best practices for TCM practitioners during this challenging period, please do not hesitate to contact the KPC team.

We Are Open and Operating at Full Capacity

Interest in TCM has spiked during the pandemic. Our team is working tirelessly to keep up with the increased demand for Chinese herbs so practitioners can continue to deliver exceptional care for their patients. KPC is open and available daily during regular business hours to fulfill orders and respond to questions. Although prices are rising during this time, we are taking on the extra costs ourselves. We remain faithful to our values even during difficult circumstances and are doing our best to make sure all needs are met.

Our Complete Inventory Is in Stock

While patients are seeking more ways to maintain their health, the KPC team is making every effort to ensure our inventory is fully stocked. Our granule herb line contains over 300 formulas and 400 single herbs. Many of our most popular products are also available in capsule and tablet forms. We offer a variety of herbal formulas that TCM practitioners have used for centuries to help support the immune system and assist with recovery from illness. Under the guidance of an experienced TCM practitioner, Chinese herbs can be taken in conjunction with Western medicine to optimize internal and external well-being.

We Are Sharing Generations of TCM Knowledge on Social Media

Our family business began five generations ago. Our founder, Tsai Liang Hai, began selling herbs from his small shop in Taiwan in 1892. We are proud to continue the traditions he established and share the knowledge our family has gathered over more than a century of developing premium Chinese herb products. Find us on social media for formula recommendations that may help your patients with the critical issues they are facing at this moment, including stress, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, lack of focus, and low energy. Personalized Herbal Formulas Are Available Unique circumstances call for a unique approach to health. Fortunately, that is one of TCM’s greatest strengths. The traditional way of using Chinese herbs is to treat each patient as an individual with a customized treatment protocol — there is never a one-size-fits-all approach. To help practitioners meet their patients’ needs, one of our long-time distributors has a compounding pharmacy that can compound herbal formulas and drop-ship the product directly to patients. This allows practitioners to deliver highly personalized care even during a time of telemedicine and social distancing. With reduced need for in-person appointments and easy refills for patients, this is a safe and effective option while the pandemic continues.

We Are Providing Our ‘Essential Herbal Formulas’ Book for Free

Many of us have found ourselves with more time on our hands than we’re used to. We are helping practitioners and students currently enrolled in a TCM school use that time wisely by sharing a free informational booklet. Essential Herbal Formulas, written by Dr. Christine Chang, is designed to help students study for the NCCAOM exams, and experienced practitioners relearn the proper usage of herbs. To request your copy, send us a direct message with your name and address. We will mail you the pamphlet as well as a bookmark with common formulas.

Follow Us on Instagram for Our Latest Tips

This is an unprecedented time for TCM practitioners. Whether you are new to the industry or well-established in your career, you may be unsure of the best ways to adapt to this evolving crisis so you can continue to provide your patients with the outstanding care they deserve. We understand, and we’re here to help. We have regularly been hosting Instagram Live conversations with experts in TCM or acupuncture to discuss frequently asked questions. So far, we’ve covered topics including the impact of COVID-19 on the TCM industry, adapting to remote patient care, and safety guidelines for reopening your practice. Find us on Instagram to tune in.

Continuing to Care for Our Community, So You Can Continue to Care for Yours

This is a challenging time for TCM practitioners. As healers, you are grappling with how to balance continued assistance to the communities you love — who need your expertise now more than ever — with the adjustments that must be made to serve them safely. The KPC family is proudly doing our part to help practitioners adapt to the ever-changing environment and get their patients the essential herbs they need. Thank you for choosing KPC. We are grateful for your trust and loyalty and are committed to finding ways to help you survive this crisis and thrive in the future.


*Please note: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This article is not intended to suggest specific treatments for patients or that any supplements mentioned prevent or cure diseases or problems. Before taking any herbs, all patients should discuss their options with a licensed practitioner, including any other medications the patient is currently taking, as there may be contraindications between pharmaceuticals and herbs.

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